What a cute idea! Valentine’s Day cards in ASL. Did you know that ASL is the 4th most used language in the United States? It is! When I heard that statistic, I was amazed.

All the more reason to make the extra effort to include kids at this time of year. Valentine’s Day can be tough if you have a disability.

Valentine’s Day in Sign Language

But with these free printable Valentine’s Day cards, you can include more kids in the holiday.

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And, the 6-page bundle includes more than Valentine’s Day cards.

Sign Language Valentine’s Day Worksheets

In addition to the Valentines, there are coloring worksheets and ASL practice cards.

Happy Valentine’s Day in Sign Language

This is an older post that I am updating. And in the past, some have emailed me and asked about Valentine’s cards that include “I love you.” I do not have any at this time, and many teachers have advised me against including them (seen on Facebook page chatter).

For the age group that would likely be using these printable ASL valentines, the phrase “I love you” would not apply to school.

Valentine’s Day “I love you” sign language card

If you are still looking for such an item, you can try Amazon. They have a variety of items that say I love you in sign language/ASL.

I hope that you and your kids/students enjoy the printable valentines and coloring worksheets I have provided. Make sure you check out the other sensory and STEM activities I have on the blog.

ASL Printables

Don’t miss the other resources we have on the site about behavior. Behavior, when done correctly, is a large and sometimes overwhelming concept. But, if done incorrectly, the child will not change and in fact, behaviors could increase and psychological damage can occur.