Inside: Free Printable PDF List of Nature Sensory Activities for all ages. Print, use and adapt these fun sensory activities in nature for any ability. And, teach environmental appreciation.

Our environment or our planet is in crisis. The adults have screwed things up. Still, it’s important to teach our kids an appreciation of nature. People don’t work to protect or save what they don’t know.

We have to know nature. And what better way than exploring through nature sensory activities?

The outdoors provides unlimited opportunities for engaging all of our senses. Nature sensory activities can be done year-round.

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I rounded up 25 fun nature sensory activities and put them on a checklist. Any parent, caregiver, or teacher can use this list and never run out of ideas.

After all, a spring leaf feels much different from an autumn leaf. You can repeat the sensory activities on the list but have a different experience each time.

Within the pages of this two-page PDF, we’ve carefully curated a collection of 25 sensory activities tailored to the great outdoors. These activities offer simple yet engaging ways for children to immerse themselves in nature.

From the joy of squishing mud between their fingers to the thrill of a nature-inspired scavenger hunt, these activities are designed to pique children’s curiosity and create memorable outdoor experiences.

In this blog post, we will explore the contents of this PDF, showcasing the full spectrum of sensory delights waiting to be discovered by kids in the natural world.

Scroll down to see the 25 sensory activities, each designed to provide children with unique opportunities to connect with and appreciate the wonders of the great outdoors.

Sensory activities in nature.
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There is a free, two-page PDF for you to keep track of which sensory activities in nature you’ve done. You may want to take notes and keep track of which ones were particularly enjoyable for your child.

Another option would be to laminate the PDF list of sensory activities in nature and use a dry-erase marker or wax crayon to keep track.

This will also protect your list from rain, snow, or dew.

Whatever you choose, make sure that you surround the kids with language and STEM lessons, too.

Sensory Activities in Nature PDF

Here are a few more earth themed activities.

Sensory Play Benefits

Here are just some of the benefits of sensory play. This list can help the adults make the natural sensory play activities a 360-degree experience.

  1. Cognitive development: Sensory activities stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills as children observe, compare, and contrast sensory materials and phenomena.
  2. Language development: Sensory experiences provide opportunities for children to describe what they are sensing, enhancing their vocabulary and language skills as they communicate their observations and feelings.
  3. Fine and gross motor skills: Many sensory activities involve manipulating materials, which can help develop fine motor skills (such as finger dexterity) and gross motor skills (like hand-eye coordination).
  4. Social and emotional development: Sensory play can be a shared experience, encouraging cooperation and communication among children, which promotes social development. It can also provide a calming or stimulating effect, helping children regulate their emotions.
  5. Scientific curiosity: Engaging with various materials and phenomena through sensory exploration can spark a natural curiosity about the world and foster an interest in science.
  6. Multisensory learning: Sensory activities cater to various learning styles and preferences. They engage multiple senses simultaneously, making learning more engaging and memorable.
  7. Sensory processing skills: These activities can help children develop and refine their sensory processing skills, aiding in sensory integration and improved self-regulation.
  8. Creativity and imagination: Sensory experiences often encourage open-ended, imaginative play and creative problem-solving as children experiment and invent with the materials provided.
  9. Basic scientific concepts: Sensory activities can introduce children to fundamental scientific concepts like cause and effect, observation, and experimentation in a hands-on and tangible way.
  10. Nature exploration: Many sensory activities involve natural materials, fostering a connection to the natural world and an appreciation for its beauty and complexity.
  11. Sensory exposure: Sensory play exposes children to various textures, temperatures, and sensations, helping them become more comfortable with diverse sensory experiences.
  12. Sensory therapy: For children with sensory processing disorders or other sensory challenges, sensory activities can be a therapeutic way to help them adapt to various sensory stimuli and regulate their responses.
  13. Family and Social Engagement: Sensory activities are often enjoyable for children and adults, making them an excellent opportunity for family bonding and shared learning experiences.

Thanks for visiting my site. I hope you enjoy these activities as much as we do.

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