How to Create a Medical Care Binder

I need to do a Care Binder. This is long overdue. I’m traveling across the country in 2 weeks to speak at a conference. I’ve never left Kevin alone since his epilepsy started. And guess what?!? Pretty much his entire plan and his medical records are in my head. Time to organize it and write it down. Print out what I need to print out.

One thing is for sure, our kids generate a ton of paperwork and files. It’s overwhelming at times, isn’t it?

care binders disabled child
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I think I can reasonably consider myself a Type A, organized sort of person. But even Kevin’s stuff gets the best of me sometimes. Right now I’m struggling because I have to find some kind of “proof” that shows he is disabled. I know I have at least two separate letters from physicians, but of course, I cannot find them.

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On my list of things to do this year is his Care Binder. My system right now is more of a “Care Dump Box.” I put all the important stuff in various file folders and then they go in this box. Problem is, every time I need something, I have to sort through the entire box.

Then sometimes I think, “what if there’s a fire?” I don’t have just one binder to grab and go in case of an emergency. The reasons to create a care binder for your disabled child are endless.

Reasons to Create a Care Binder

  • Primary Caregiver has health or another emergency
  • house fire
  • So you can get respite care.
  • an emergency such as tornado, flood and you need to evacuate
  • no more wasting time looking for important records and files

How to Create a Care Binder

  • For starters, sort through the links below and figure out what you want. That will take time as each Care Binder resource has several different options to choose from. You have to pick what suits your needs.
  • Then print.
  • Look at what you have. Match up the printables with your child’s records.
  • I personally only throw out duplicates of things. I keep things that are not particularly important in a separate box. That way I know I have it, but it doesn’t all have to be right at my fingertips.

Don’t Forget the IEP Files

Don’t forget the IEP paperwork!

Yes, you should include some of your child’s IEP information in your medical binder. For example, if your IEP present levels is accurate–include that. If you use an IEP One Sheet, you should include that.

If you print and fill out an All About Me Worksheet for your child and substitute teachers, make another copy for your medical care binder. You would want a babysitter, day care or respite person have this information in addition to the health information.

Care Binders-Free Printables

Numbered so that you can keep track of which ones you like best before printing.

  1. Seattle Children’s Center
  2. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  3. Thirty Handmade Days
  4. Medical Home Portal
  5. Mommies of Miracles
  6. Texas Parent to Parent
manage child medical records
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(author’s note: This was published a while back, but several of the links to the Care Binder printables were giving 404s, so I had to update it.)