Inside: A list of Functional Money and Functional Math IEP goals, including modern money skills like apps and debit cards.
Remember when we were little, and we thought nickels were worth more than dimes, just because they were bigger?
Ah, those were the days. As part of adulting, we need to teach our kids practical money skills or functional math skills which are a subset of functional math IEP goals.
Few kids even see dimes these days. They need to know functional math skills like money transactions, and less on currency.
Functional Math Goals
Money as a topic usually falls under functional math.
However, for kids with IEPs, it is also an independent living skill. Or a set of skills.
Debt is a huge problem.
I feel obligated to at least mention some debt statistics.
Because I truly believe that Generation X, in which I grew up, were not taught adequate money skills as youth. Then, our coming of age was in the era of pretty much unlimited access to credit cards. Is it any wonder we have the debt problems we do? We did not receive an adequate financial education as Gen Xers.
- Two in ten adults say they roll over $2,500 or more a month in credit card debt [Source: NFCC]
- Average loans per student equal approximately $76,468 (total student loans/total students enrolled in public or private universities in 2018)*
- The typical American household now carries an average debt of $137,063. The median debt was only $50,971 in 2000.
I don’t know about you, but every time I have to do a cash transaction, I have to stop and get cash.
So seldom do I have it in my purse. I mean, unless you’re in a profession that regularly accepts cash as payment, who has it handy?
No one. We all use Paypal and Venmo and CashApp and debit cards and now….crypto! We all still need money skills, but how we teach them and what money skills our kids need to live in today’s society have changed dramatically.
Teaching Money to Kids
I’m not suggesting that we stop teaching kids about coins and dollars and making change. Sure, that’s a useful skill. But too often, that is the beginning and the end when it comes to money skills for kids.
Coins and dollars help kids visualize money, which is necessary to use money.
When I was in junior high school (leaning on my cane), we were issued mock checkbooks and ledgers and we had to do the whole checkbook thing for over a semester.
Now, who balances a checkbook? I don’t think I’ve done that in over 20 years.
Functional Math IEP Goals Examples
Before moving on to these more modern money skills, you want to make sure that your child has the foundational skills to successfully manage money.
Our kids may be impulsive or lack executive functioning proficiency. These are just two examples of things that may put them at risk for poor money management.
- Visualize value; for example have a ballpark idea of what is more–$5 or $500 or $50,000 and what you might possibly be able to buy with each amount.
- Make sure that all dyscalculia or other learning disabilities are addressed and accommodated.
- Social awareness so as not to be taken advantage of. Yes, I have had clients who literally gave their money away so people would be their friend. Sad, but our kids are targets.
- Understand the concept of money and what it means in society; how we get it and how we spend it. Why do we have or need money?
- If a child lacks impulse control, put stop gap measures on things like big expenditures.
- Make sure your child can monitor and maintain personal possessions like a wallet, atm card or actual money. If your child loses their belongings frequently, don’t be surprised when they lose a wallet, and then punish them for lacking a skill set.
My parents were horrible at teaching money skills. They randomly yelled out abstract concepts at me, like “Save your money!” and “Money doesn’t grow on trees!” But, they never taught me any specifics.
Money Skills are Math Skills
I also grew up in a household where money was an “adult topic” and I was never included in conversations. Then all of a sudden, I suppose, we’re just supposed to wake up one day and know what to do.
I’m working very hard to change the conversation and climate in my household and we include the boys in conversations. At holidays, when they receive gift cards, it’s a great opportunity to practice money skills and transactions. Brian also has an allowance to manage.
Now that he’s 10, we’re adding some specifics to his allowance and moving to an envelope system. I also opened up a bank account for him so that he could practice ‘going to the bank’ but I’m starting to wonder if that’s outdated.
My Dad went to the bank every Friday and moved money around and got cash. My son’s generation won’t go to the bank hardly ever!
Modern Money IEP Goals
These are some skills that a student would benefit from knowing how to do, in today’s society. As always, put the skill in the IEP Goal Formula to make it measurable.
Remember that the most basic level of any of these functional math goals would be to add the word “identify.” If the child cannot own and use an ATM card, then work on identifying what one is, and what it does.
- Own, maintain and use an ATM card. Subsets of this skill would be to identify what one is and what it does, and work up from there.
- Identify, talk about, describe, exhibit money security and safety skills; for example keeping a password safe, log in information safe and so on; keeping an atm card safe, keeping their phone safe and password protected.
- Be able to use a bank website for personal banking. Subsets would be an app for personal banking, and the various components of the app or website, log in, knowing the features, what they do, how to work them, etc.
- Understand, explain and monitor direct deposit of money or paycheck.
- Understand, explain, exhibit skills in knowing how much money you have in your account and how to NOT overdraw it. This doesn’t necessarily mean the archaic way of balancing a checkbook, but something should be in place.
- Understand, explain, exhibit how money goes into and out of their account, and prioritizing expenditures.
- Cash apps such as Venmo and CashApp–if necessary, explain, use, keep safe.
- Know difference between credit and debit cards, know what interest is and how/why they pay it.
- Keeping credit/debit card information saved online, either on websites or apps; know what this is, what they are at risk for if compromised, safe activity.
- Know what an ATM is, how it works, how to safely use one.
- Understand what gift cards or gift certificates are, how they are similar to credit/debit cards, and how the money is gone if you lose them; how to use them safely and securely.
- Crypto or Bitcoin–hey, if you want to go there….go there! (and no, I have no idea where you would find someone to teach this to your child)
- Understand what a digital vs paper receipt is; what receipts are, why you might need to save one and how long.
- How to pay bills online, safely and securely
- Identify and explain what to do if they think any of their financial information has been compromised
Adding Money Skills to your IEP
Like anything else, IEP goals are based on needs. So, if you want a money skills IEP goal, make sure that the skill deficit is noted in IEP Present Levels. And, like everything else, you make note of this in your Parent Concerns letter and push the issue if the team doesn’t add it.
I realize that the IEP Money Goals listed below are not in a measurable format. To do that, just insert the skill into the IEP Goal Formula below.
IEP Goals for Functional Money Skills
Honestly, regardless of whether or not your child has a 504 or IEP, I think that these are valuable life goals for any kid. I can only imagine how much further along I’d be if I’d had this!
- Identify various currency and its value.
- Add and subtract currency when given some.
- Make change in various scenarios.
- Identify what is a financial necessity in life and what is not.
- Compile a budget at all levels, from a $25 gift card they have to spend, to a monthly income allowance.
- Know and describe the difference between a credit card, debit card, check card, check and gift card.
- Be able to comparison shop for different product categories.
- How to pay a bill.
- How to write a check and record it in the checkbook.
- online banking as appropriate.
- Explain the concept of interest–both earning and paying.
- Have/explain safe places to keep money and why.
- Explain the relationship between cash, checks and bank accounts.
- Show restraint and be able to successfully save money; achieve savings goal.
- Identify which support works best for student (calculator, phone, etc).
- Identify and name coins: penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and half-dollar.
- Identify the money symbols: cent sign, dollar sign, and decimal point.
- Convert one denomination of coins into another denomination (e.g., five pennies equal one nickel).
- When making purchases, determine that coins received as change are the correct amount.
- Identify and name 1, 5, and 10-dollar bills.
- Use currency when making purchases.
- Use a combination of coins and currency when making purchases and verify any change received.
- Given a variety of coins, STUDENT will identify and name the value of a penny, nickel, and dime with 100% accuracy 5/5 trials.
- Given a variety of coins and bills, STUDENT will identify the correct names and amounts with 100% accuracy 4/5 trials.
- When working with money, STUDENT will use the $, cent and decimal point appropriately with 80% accuracy 4/5 trials.
- Given a collection of coins, STUDENT will count money with 80% accuracy in 4/5 trials.
- Given a collection of dollar bills and coins, STUDENT will compare with 80% accuracy 4/5 trials.
- Given a variety of coins and bills, STUDENT will add and subtract given amounts with 80% accuracy 4/5 trials.
- Given a collection of dollar bills and coins, STUDENT will multiply and divide the money with 80% accuracy 4/5 trials.
- When presented with coins, STUDENT will identify the penny, nickel and dime 4 out of 5 trials with 80% accuracy.
- When given a group of dollars and coins, STUDENT will sort according to the value 4 out of 5 trials with 80% accuracy.
- When presented with a paycheck, STUDENT will sign in the correct area 5 out of 5 trials with 100% accuracy.
- When withdrawing and depositing money, STUDENT will use the correct operation in their checkbook registration 4 out of 5 trials with 80% accuracy.
- When given a variety of coins, STUDENT will count different values 4 out of 5 trials with 80% accuracy.
- When given a calculator, STUDENT will add and subtract money amounts 4 out of 5 trials with 80% accuracy.
- When provided money, STUDENT will purchase items from a vending machine 5 out of 5 trials with 100% accuracy.
- When given a price, STUDENT will use the “dollar up” method to determine the amount of money need to purchase the item 4 out of 5 trials with 80% accuracy.
Budgeting IEP Goals
Here are five IEP goals for budgeting:
- Goal: Student will create a personal budget plan.
- Objective: By [insert date], the student will outline a monthly budget plan, including income, expenses, and savings goals, with at least 80% accuracy.
- Goal: Student will demonstrate understanding of budgeting terminology.
- Objective: By [insert date], the student will define and correctly use budgeting terms (e.g., income, expenses, savings, budget surplus, budget deficit) in written and verbal communication with 90% accuracy.
- Goal: Student will compare and analyze different budgeting strategies.
- Objective: By [insert date], the student will evaluate at least three budgeting strategies (e.g., zero-based budgeting, envelope system, 50/30/20 rule) and identify their advantages and disadvantages with at least 80% accuracy.
- Goal: Student will track and monitor personal expenses.
- Objective: By [insert date], the student will track daily expenses using a provided template or budgeting app, categorize expenses accurately, and summarize spending patterns weekly with 90% accuracy.
- Goal: Student will demonstrate responsible financial decision-making.
- Objective: By [insert date], when presented with hypothetical financial scenarios (e.g., unexpected expenses, saving for a goal, comparison shopping), the student will analyze options, make informed decisions, and justify choices based on budget constraints with at least 80% accuracy.
Banking IEP Goals
Statistically, disabled people are not high-income earners. However, money management skills are still a necessity.
- Knows values of coins and currency
- Can make a transaction at a local store and count change
- Has an understanding of the difference between “luxuries” and “necessities” in food, transportation, clothing, housing
- Understands the difference between “sale price” and “regular price”
- Can identify one way to save money on purchases
- Can use a credit/debit card at a store
- Can open a checking or savings account
- Can write checks/make withdrawals and make deposits
- Can record banking transactions (either checking or savings)
- Can budget allowance to last for a week.
- Shows some understanding of the concept of saving
- Understand the difference between gross wage and take-home pay
- Can use a calculator to add, subtract, divide and multiply
- Can resolve situation at a store if credit/debit card is declined
- With assistance can make out a monthly budget covering regular expenses for independent living
- Shows some “sales resistance” to “something for nothing” advertising and “low weekly payment” credit plans
- Can read monthly bank statements, compare balances, make adjustments as necessary (deduct service charges, check fees, adjust for differences in the balance)
- Can comparison shop using unit pricing information
- Understands the responsibility of filing tax forms
- Knows the information that is required for filing taxes and knows where to go to get assistance in filing taxes
- Budgets for unanticipated emergencies, seasonal bills, etc.
- Understands buying on credit, loans, interest, and late payment penalties
- Understands payroll deductions, taxes, FICA, insurance
- Can complete a short tax form
- Can balance a checkbook; or demonstrate understanding of staying within balance
- Has savings plan or retirement plan, can explain.
- Understands how to not overdraw checking account, overuse card
- Understands concept of pay periods, pay days, and budgeting/spending within means
How to Teach Money Skills to Kids
Most kids will receive instruction at school, usually as a part of a math course. However, this is an area where the parent likely has more opportunities for practice and in different settings.
- Books
- Videos-look on YouTube or Sesame Street
- Pretend Play-store, restaurant
- Social Stories
- Direct Instruction
- Board Games
- Fantasy Football for Kids
- Lemonade stands or other fundraisers
- Some banks offer videos and programs for kids.
- Practice, Practice, Practice!
Good luck and email us if there’s something we forgot!
Math IEP Goals
- 68 Money IEP Goals including Functional Math and Budgeting
- 25 Telling Time IEP Goals
- Math Word Problem Solving IEP Goals: 12 Examples and Objectives
- 68 Money IEP Goals including Functional Math and Budgeting
- 29 Math Problem Solving IEP Goals (Including Math Reasoning)
- 50 Math IEP Goals, including Calculation and Computation
- Kindergarten Math IEP Goals
Transition IEP Goals
- 65 Vocational IEP Goals Including Work Habits and Jobs
- 100 Independent Functioning and Independent Living IEP Goals (Life Skills Goals)
- 36 Measurable Postsecondary Goals for an IEP
- IEP Transition Goals Bank
- 99 Community Safety and Transportation IEP Goals
- 75 Personal Hygiene and Health IEP Goals
- 68 Money IEP Goals including Functional Math, Budgeting and Banking
- 53 Measurable Self Advocacy IEP Goals and Objectives: Elementary to High School
- IEP Goal Bank
- 20 IEP Goals for Low Functioning Students
- Also read: How to Develop a Meaningful IEP Transition Plan and What is Age of Majority?