One of the greatest things to come out of the internet and social media is memes. And the IEP process gives us no shortage of ways to laugh at ourselves. I mean, we must have a sense of humor about these things, right?

So, with that in mind, I looked at my Facebook page and grabbed the most liked and most shared IEP memes and IEP meeting memes that I could find. Make sure you go like the page so you can have a little bit of humor dispensed into your day!

Here you go, enjoy!

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IEP Memes

15 fun and funny IEP memes, IEP meeting memes and more. Even the Ryan Gosling Hey Girl meme…always a favorite.

How to Share a Meme

If you want to share these memes, there are two ways to do it. If you’re on a computer, right click the image and either do “save as” or “copy.” Then you can share it on social media.

If you are on your iphone, you’ll have to use either the android or ios instructions for saving and sharing.

IEP Meeting Memes

I hate that this is a reality for so many parents. Year after year, this continues to be one of the most shared IEP memes on the page. (a shameless plug that maybe you want to take my online special education advocacy training, so it doesn’t have to be this way)

I actually get a lot of pushback from school staff on this one. But, for too many moms, it's true.
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This one I just thought up after escape rooms became popular.

I love this one.
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I saw this meme online and it had similar sentiments, but I changed it to make it IEP related.

Have you ever been gaslighted at an IEP meeting?
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The meme that started it all–I think this is the first meme that I ever made. Fun fact: some sites actually retype it all and claim it as their own, rather than just crediting me. I have had one Facebook page frozen and another taken down, because I wrote it and my content is copyrighted. Sounds petty, but I work hard to serve you and take copyright concerns seriously.

True, true, true.
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Another plug for my advocacy training–take your power back, so you don’t feel like setting yourself on fire after an IEP meeting.

I would!
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and another–

The guy with the glasses cracks me up, because this is how they are.
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Funny IEP Memes

This is one of my newer ones. What bothers me is that when I post it, many parents comment something about the “months” part, and say that it takes them years.

Ah, Squidward.
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Another newer IEP meme.

And of course, SpongeBob
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Another one I found online and changed it to make it relatable to IEPs.

Get it?
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You know what’s weird about this meme? I have seen other pages take the meme, and crop my site’s name off the bottom, so they can pass it off as their own. But the kicker–that picture is me and my kids, so I’m pretty sure it’s my meme, lol. The internet is a weird place.

Funny story--someone took this meme to pass off as their own. Except...that's me and my kids in the photo.
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Just make sure you’re following and subscribing to my IEP tips…so you don’t find this relatable. But hey, we’ve all been there.

We were all newbies once.
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This is another one that other pages have used and cropped my name off. But…my logo is on the hole puncher if you look closely. Is it so hard to give others their just due, and credit?

Oh, the paperwork!
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An oldie but a goodie. My logo on this is the teal and pink, which means it is pre-2015.

And yet, it happens all the time.
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It sure feels like IEP Fight Club.
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This is the 2.0 version of this meme. It’s so old that it originally said special needs mom, so I had to change it as the accepted vernacular has changed.

This is just my face.
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Lots of variations of the Hey Girl meme on Facebook, but this is one of my favorites.

There are a lot of good versions of this one.
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Sometimes I get accused of taking myself (and others!) too seriously. Many of my readers do the same. So here’s my disclaimer: Not every meme applies to every person, every child, every school and every IEP team.

However, in 15 years of the site and Facebook page, these memes have received thousands of likes and shares. That means that they are relatable to many Moms. I am thrilled for you if you have an awesome team and these memes do not apply.

Really, I am.

But please do not email me and tell me this, or ask me to take it down. This actually happens when I post them on Facebook.

I’m not teacher bashing, I’m laughing at what is often a tragic and stressful situation. Many parents feel validated by these, and validation is so important.

IEP Meeting Norms

Here are more things you might see happen at an IEP meeting. Some are legit and totally called for. Others….are not.