If you asked my son, he’ll tell you that he’s too old for me to be putting things in his lunch box, like printable lunch box jokes. He’s 12. He rolls his eyes at dad jokes, which are plentiful around here.

And, he dutifully packs his own lunch every evening. It’s part of him learning to manage his arfid and grow as an eater.

Printable lunch box jokes.
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He can pack what he wants within certain parameters. I want him to not be hungry during the school day, but he can’t eat only Tastykakes either. So we have a list of things that are a compromise.

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Lunch Box Jokes

Still, sometimes when I’m up early in the morning, I sneak a note or lunch box joke into his lunch (as I’m double checking that there is one fruit item in the lunch!).

But you know what? You’re never too old to know that someone cares about you and is thinking about you. And that’s what lunch box jokes do.

I started doing this a few years ago. It started on a Valentine’s Day and just stuck. I had stuck a valentine and treat in his lunch box and he enjoyed it. Fast forward to 7th grade, and I stuck a simple “good luck!” note in his lunch box on the last day of basketball tryouts.

What is a favorite fruit printable worksheet.
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I can tell by how he mentions them sometimes that he enjoys them, even if 7th graders are too cool for school and can’t admit that they enjoy this. Sometimes he’ll even mention that a friend got a note or treat and ask “why haven’t you sent one in a while?”

So here you go. A compilation of 180 printable lunch box notes for kids.

Lunch Box Jokes Printables

This is what is included in this assortment of printable lunch box jokes for kids. I’m often asked if they are for kindergarten, or what age they are for? A child needs basic reading skills, or a nearby adult to read them the joke on the printable note.

  • Easter Lunch Box Jokes
  • St. Patrick’s Day Lunch Box Jokes
  • Lunch Box Jokes about fruits and vegetables (or jokes about fruits and vegetables)
  • Camping lunch box jokes (perfect for summer camp!)
  • Lunch box jokes with a summer/beach theme
A set of printable worksheets with different types of lunch box jokes.
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Printable Lunch Box Jokes

I previously had these as 5 separate files, but readers said they preferred to download it as one file, and then just choose what pages to print.

I hope these free printable lunch box notes brighten your child’s day. My husband works from home now, but I used to send them to him too! Hey, we all need a break during the day, and a reason to smile.