Don’t IEP Alone: IEP Podcast

A podcast dedicated to helping parents with IEPs.

Want to listen to me while you drive to work? Or walk the dog? C’mon, who doesn’t?

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Show Notes:

After a 3 year hiatus, the podcast will resume in September, 2023.

So, make sure that you are following me on your favorite podcast listening service so that you get notifications for new episodes.

Thanks for listening!

IEP podcast for parents
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Yes, I’ve created a podcast. As far as I can tell, it’s the only podcast available that is dedicated to helping parents navigate the IEP process.

Be a part of the podcast.

Have a listen. I can be found pretty much wherever podcasts are found. So far I’m on iTune, Stitcher, Buzzsprout, TuneIn, Google Play and a few others.

If you want to just listen to someone explain the IEP to you, then the podcast is for you. Right now, I’m doing an entire series dedicated to dissecting each section of the IEP. I am explaining the significance of each part, common mistakes and issues pertaining to it, and how to best use it your advantage.

I also am trying to create podcasts that somewhat mirror the blog. In other words, each episode of the podcast should have a corresponding blog post. Or, there is one in the works.

Email us at IEP at adayinourshoes dot com and let us know what you want to chat about.

Ask a Special Education Advocate:

One topic that you likely will not find on the podcast is IEP Goals and Accommodations. As you may know, I have dozens of posts dedicated to giving you IEP goal ideas, IEP and 504 Accommodation ideas and so on. It wouldn’t make for a good podcast episode, imo, to sit and read those to you. So, continue to look for those on the blog. I’m also including them below in related articles.

Once again, thanks for listening and reading, and remember, Don’t IEP Alone!