You want ideas to submit to your IEP or 504 Plan team, but you just don’t know where to start. Well, here you go! You asked for it, you got it! I’ve received many reader requests for a list of SDIs or strategies.

I hope this list of SDIs, strategies, and accommodations for an IEP or 504 plan is helpful.

IEP Accommodations

This a friendly reminder that accommodations only accommodate, or allow the child to access their education. Accommodations do not teach!

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Preferential seating is a common 504 plan accommodation.
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Preferential seating is a common 504 plan accommodation.

A child who cannot read, will not learn to read simply by sitting closer to the front of the class or in a setting with fewer classmates. They need to be taught to read.

Accommodate for the lack of the skill set while you are teaching the skill set. Both. At the same time. Not either/or, but this seems to be one of the most common sticking points I run into with IEP teams. Accommodate and teach.

504 Plan Accommodations List

I have two other posts related to this content:

This is a new and improved version, and as I had to update it, the other formatting was no longer supported.

Assistive technology instead of a pencil may help a student who needs accommodations.
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Assistive technology instead of a pencil may help a student who needs accommodations.

Student Sensory Accommodations

I have a 4-page list at the bottom of this post, of just sensory accommodations for an IEP. This is just a screenshot of one page, just to give you an idea.

List of Sensory Accommodations
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The full list of accommodations can be found at the bottom of this article.

Student Classroom IEP Accommodations

  1. a quiet area to complete the work or take a test
  2. having someone read a test to them
  3. “preferential seating,” means sitting near the front, or away from distraction or in their area of preference (if they prefer a left or right visual field)
  4. preferential seating for hearing/audio
  5. preferential seating away from distractions, windows, doors, speakers
  6. extra time to complete the work or reading given
  7. early dismissal from class to get to the locker and to next class
  8. identify and limit distractions
  9. opportunity for practice
  10. hot pass” or “cool off card” which is a card the student gets and they can leave class, flash the hot pass to the teacher, and go to the office, guidance counselor, nurse (designated ahead of time) to cool off, if they feel a negative behavior coming on
  11. high contrast materials, limited visual clutter
  12. adapted lunch setting to reduce sensory stressors
  13. adapted recess with adult lead activities to increase peer interactions
  14. recess and group activities to be designed with IEP goals in mind
  15. keep days and activities structured
  16. structured seating arrangements
  17. small group instruction with appropriate intervention
  18. access to the resource room or learning support room

 Student Accommodations for Difficult Transitions

  1. visual cues in hallways to guide the child to the next classroom or cafeteria
  2. personal timeouts to regroup and prepare for the transition
  3. time warnings and increased transition time
  4. advance notice of transitions
  5. schedule on the blackboard (or whiteboard/smartboard, I know, I’m old using the word blackboard)

Language-Based Accommodations

  1. minimal use of open-ended statements or questions
  2. do not use sarcasm or inferences when communicating with the student
  3. allow 5 or 10 seconds (whatever child needs) processing time when a request is made
  4. chunk down verbal instructions
  5. use only 1 question or instruction task at a time if the child cannot do 2-3 part questions
  6. speak slower
  7. use literal language
  8. Use of first____, then_______.
  9. having someone read the material to them
  10. concise, direct prompts
  11. clear, concise instructions that are at child’s ability
  12. activity based learning
  13. explain metaphors and double meanings
  14. limit oral questions to the number that the child can manage
  15. provide direct feedback in appropriate settings

People and Peer-Based Accommodations and Interventions

  1. special sign or signal between teacher and student to notify the student of something
  2. encourage but do not force eye contact; forcing eye contact may break the train of thought
  3. buddy system for unstructured times
  4. peer to peer tutoring as appropriate
  5. structured social skills groups
  6. set up opportunities for the child to self-advocate
  7. peer modeling-appropriate play, interaction
  8. role play
  9. pair with the student prior to learning a new task
  10. cooperative games rather than win/lose
  11. facilitated socialization at recess, lunch, breaks
  12. education sessions for peers to help them understand disability
  13. watch videos of social stories/interactions and ask to explain
  14. role playing-both with successful and undesired outcomes (ie-troubleshooting)

IEP Sensory Accommodations

  1. give sensory breaks-have child carry down attendance sheets or just a few envelopes down to the office to allow for movement
  2. timed bathroom breaks (every 60, 90 120 minutes)
  3. awareness of sensory issues–smells, sounds, lighting; adjust as appropriate
  4. scheduled sensory breaks
  5. {Sensory Diet} What is it? Should it be on your IEP?

Behavior IEP Accommodations

  1. frequent reinforcement for desired/positive behaviors
  2. intersperse preferred and non-preferred tasks
  3. agenda checklist for check-ins with a preferred staff member
  4. task strip with preferred activity at the end

Testing and Assignments-Accommodations

  1. monthly, weekly, or bi-weekly phone or in-person conferences with parents (progress monitoring)
  2. homework assignments chunked down by the teacher to define each task
  3. have the child write down verbal questions to aid in processing
  4. breaking down tests into segments
  5. pre-teaching information, then post-teaching afterward
  6. alternatives for completing assignments (typed instead of written, or verbal)
  7. provide facilitated experiences
  8. frequent test breaks with opportunities to move
  9. testing in a study carrel
  10. testing in the morning only
  11. masking test items so only single questions are visible
  12. permission to hand in all assignments late, as pre-determined
  13. modify assignments to only include the essential content
  14. intersperse easy and difficult demands on an 80/20 basis (and work to increase)
  15. longer assignments are broken down and scheduled out in pictures or words

IEP Interventions for Cognitive and Academic Deficits

  1. AM/PM check-in with a preferred staff person
  2. Use of prompt hierarchy
  3. incorporate the child’s personal interests into activities whenever possible
  4. to do list
  5. journal
  6. show examples of completed projects
  7. picture calendar or schedule
  8. when appropriate and will not cause a distraction-guide student through real-life situations
  9. provide calming strategies
  10. test format to tap “recognition memory” such as matching or multiple choice rather than fill in blanks without a word bank

PDF Lists: Here you go–printable lists of IEP and 504 Accommodations.

Teachers and Staff
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And that should add up to around 500! Woot! Don’t miss all the other great stuff on the site. Chances are if you’ve thought of the IEP or 504 Plan question, I’ve answered it here.